Happy Hacktober!! Contribute and win an exclusive t-shirt and cool swags.

What is Hacktoberfest?

Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open source software hosted by DigitalOcean, in partnership with Github and Twilio. It is all about encouraging meaningful contributions to the open source ecosystem, for beginners and veterans alike. It provides scope for personal growth, professional opportunities, as well as community building. The best part of it all is, your contributions have a long term impact on the community, so it leads to a great sense of accomplishment!

Countdown For The Hack To End!!!

How to Contribute?

If you are a beginner, and looking for your first contribution, we are here to help. Just append your favorite git command and its short description in our git-commands.json and that counts as your first PR.In case you are an intermediate or advanced level programmer or developer, we have got you covered too!! Step to our intermediate folder and make contributions as per as your interests.

Become A Part Of The Open Source Community

The best thing about open source is that there are no failures. Being a part of the community, you gain the required knowledge and experience for collaborating with people to build amazing things.

Participating Repositories
Participating Countries
Pull Requests from all participants
Repo with most PRs - Freecodecamp